Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Makes me nuts!

Celebs voicing their opinion on things they need to just shut up about. Like Kelly Clarkson saying she backs Ron "troll" Paul She needs to shut the fuck up! Will America not learn their mistake from listing to Oprah and whom she backed? NO BECAUSE Americans are sheep they can't think for themselves! Do your research! Form your own opinions! I know reading is a lot more work than just being told what you like but do your really want to have another shitty president?! Americans where pissed off at the dixi chicks for voicing their opinions and they have been banned at some stations still to this day. I have little faith in today's voting Americans seeing the result of what you produced this last election. And I have no doubt you won't disappoint me further this election. So America if you want to keep going farther into the past with today's fashion, horrible dollar value, unemployment rate, this whacked ass health care plan in place, please by ALL MEANS continue to go down this path you are on, let these mindless idiots keep telling you what you want.  Continue with your pity sheep herding ways and will you please drink the punch too?!
And on another topic OCCUPY "instead retard here" fuck you all! If you really want to make a statement do something other than not work!! Do something more constructive instead of blocking subways that regular people use to get to work, stop blocking traffic, use that energy and actually do something to help your "cause" and not just make a publicity stunt !
Oh and one more thing if you have any problems with this please keep them to yourself, I am in no mood to hear your baaa baaaa babble.
Thanks and have a great day.

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